40 Souvenirs Chihuahua Charms Bracelet

- $-105.00
  • $105.00

Tribute to La Maison Les Néréides' 40 years of existence, the designers imagined a special collection of 40 souvenirs bracelets, each charms bracelets has its own iconic pendant: the symbol of each year of creation. Indulge yourself with this charming Chihuahua charms bracelet, enameled by hand, wear it alone or with many, for stylish look.

AMSO206/1 AMSO206/1
Don't forget these...

Thin Bracelet: chain made up of gold-plated brass, hand-enamelled brass beads, pendant made up of gold-plated and hand-enamelled brass.

15.5cm Length 1cm Width 3.5cm Extension 2.72g Weight